Definitive SmartFTP manual?

I realize there are available to users the use of the tutorials, knowledge base, and these great forums, but are there any plans to make a complete user's manual for the program? I so often want to understand and take advantage of the full range of features available in this fine client, but am left to Googling and forum searching in the hopes someone has previously brought up the topic. Maybe if the developers are not willing (or otherwise exhausted) to make a user's guide, perhaps some of the advanced users here would be willing to step up and create something? I do not think, however, that the user's manual should be a replacement for the tutorials, just a vast enhancement. This is, in my humble opinion, the greatest FTP client for Windows (an opinion no doubt many here share) and it disconcerts me as to why a complete manual is neither available now or has in the past been created.

Thanks to the fine developers for all their hard work, and my congratulations on an excellent piece of software!

