Would it be possible for SmartFTP to do something more robust when encountering a linked-directory or file on a UNIX FTP server?
Currently, the transfer aborts because the "directory can't be found".
Possible options include:
1) Prompt user "Transfer contents of link?" [y/n]
2) ignore it, but continue transferring any subsequent items
3) abort BEFORE the entire transfer starts with a list of possible problematic files
There are lots of FTP servers that have huge directories including softlinks, and it's a major problem to figure out exactly where the transfer failed, only select the folders that are not links, start the download again after the failure point, etc.
Currently, the transfer aborts because the "directory can't be found".
Possible options include:
1) Prompt user "Transfer contents of link?" [y/n]
2) ignore it, but continue transferring any subsequent items
3) abort BEFORE the entire transfer starts with a list of possible problematic files
There are lots of FTP servers that have huge directories including softlinks, and it's a major problem to figure out exactly where the transfer failed, only select the folders that are not links, start the download again after the failure point, etc.