A search function (not site wise)

Ive been asking for this for a while now.. but Ill reask . I am still really missing this function. All Im asking for is a function that would search inside current directory and highlight the item I need. Very like the way you click a letter on your keyboard and it goes to the first item which starts with this letter.

That's a function that I've been looking for too! The only thing I might add is to place the function as a Right-Click option on a folder on the remote site. With another setting to recursively subtend sub-folders, etc. :idea:

And... while I'm at it, maybe a setting to remember window settings. If that too complex, then maybe just the minimized or maximized setting.

Since it doesn't cost anything to make a request ...

Allowing regular expressions in the search pattern would be nice! From using the program quite extensively, seems that most of the code to implement this "Find" feature already exists in SmartFTP.

May I add my request for a search function? Should be able to include subfolders, too.

I would vote for it.
But it would help if the search engine could search all the site instead of only a folder.

I'll chime in on this topic with a "me too".

I suppose this feature is similar to the "Type-As-You-Find" or "Type Ahead Find" feature in Mozilla/Firefox...