Syncronization would be great!

Hello, I think a cool feature would be syncronization. It would upload and download modified or updated files. See FileSync for a good example between two directories. It allows you to select to go just one or the other way or both ways.

CuteFTP recently added it. Also Dreamweaver's built in FTP client does it rather painfully, but I think SmartFTP could do a lot better.

My two cents...

I like the idea of that.

Sounds like a great idea.

This is the one and only feature that keeps me tied to Voyager FTP. Bring on local to remote directory sync!

Yes, please, please, please implement that ... it would make SmartFTP a real real cool thing ! ...

I agree, it would save tons of time

This is the one and only feature that keeps me tied to Voyager FTP. Bring on local to remote directory sync!

same here... i use two ftp clients - smartftp and ftpvoyager

i would like this feature too

I just came here looking if this was hidden away in the application, i love this FTP app, i would REALLY like to see this added.

Lets keep fingers crossed for future builds

Hello ..

One way synchronization is already there. E.g. if you want to have all files from a local folder uploaded to a remote server you can use the "Global Queue". The "Global Queue" will upload all files which do not exist or which are not equal to the ones found on the remote server. To compare the local with the remote file the hashs of the remote and local file are calculated and compared. The requirement for this comparison is server side support for XCRC, XSHA1 or XMD5. The synchronization cannot be reliable if these features are not supported. Files existing on the remote server which are not present on the local computer are not deleted.
This is in my opinion the most common application for synchronization. If you have something else in mind, please post a detailed description of your feature request.



My requirements for synchronization are more or less what is found in FTP Voyager. Don't need a check-sum of the files, being able to check time and size differences is always enough for me (but better checks are always welcome).

In ftp voyager I press the button synchronize and checks both the differences between the server and my local files (as I work in several places I first need to update my local files), it shows a list of files and directories that are different and I download those files (it also gives the option to delete non-existent files on the other side).

Then I make the changes and select synchronize again to upload only the few files that have been changed between several folders.

being able to work even without server support for CRC algorithms.
being able to preview differences (and as a bonus remove a file or folder from the synchronization)
being able to download the selected files.

This is the option that makes a difference between just uploading files or being able to work with remote servers nicely.


FTP Sync would be VERY nice. .I also use Voyager FTP in much the same was as described above. It would be nice if I could just use SmartFTP.

I second this!

I guess the SmartFTP Crew does not check these forums often, because I ALSO WANT THESE FEATURE and yet it is long-time overdue.

Synchronization is not easy:
- Text files can have different checksums if transfered between Windows/Unix/MAC due to differences in end of line
- FTP servers have a compact date/time format, containing either the time or the year.
- Client and Server can have different time, different time zone, different daylight saving settings (Macromedia solves this by putting a file on the server's root directory, but this does not work if you don't have write access) to that directory

But I totally agree it is a very nice feature and missing in SmartFTP. WinSCP even has a dynamic synchronisation feature: it watches a client directory tree and automatically transfers changes to the host.

1. Get Turbo FTP.

2. Rip off entire funcionality there is under "synchronize folders" button (and there is a lot, of awesome funcionality there).

3. Make sure your ftp client doesn't crash every every few hours and doesn't work 50% of time. (yes, turboFTP really is that big steaming piece of bugged sh*** - synchronization is the only feature that make downloading it worthwhile.)

do it, and you have paying customer in minutes.

I totally agree with all the above!

Check out the new "File Exist" rule editors (Tools -> Settings, Transfer -> File Exist) in 2.0.996.0 and above. Using these, it's possible to do synchronization provided that the FTP server supports some advanced features (MDTM set, XCRC etc.).