STAT alternative faster listing

It would be really cool to support this feature !

I just implemented this in my ftp server (wzdftpd) and it shows a real speed difference. And it avoids headaches with firewalls, especially when in SSL mode.


I think for supporting this feature, it would be good if it were the default option for all ftps. and upon trying it out, smartftp would decide whether to use that, or the traditional list by automatically setting a per-site option.

that would make configuring it unnecessary.


What is going on! Where is the feature? It isn't much work to implement an option for us to switch between those two list-commands.


This would be a really great feature. About half of the time spent connecting to a server forcing passive mode is in the data port connection (especially if the router has to translate LAN to WAN IPs). This would indeed be an easy feature to implement. Let's rally on this one...


i like this too

Does anyone know if this is being considered? I haven't heard much else on the topic.

Does anyone know if this is being considered? I haven't heard much else on the topic.

Has this been implemented in this new version? It sure would be great...

There are no plans to implement it.

- Performance enhancement is not significant.
- If data transfers do not work through your firewall you won't be able to do any file transfers anyway.
- Limited FTP server support.
- STAT returns the listing in the old-fashioned unix listing format (local date/time). MLSD/MLST listing format is the preferred way today (date/time in UTC).

Feel free to make an offer for custom development.
