Local and remote size colums

why local and remote size colums differ?
On remote file sizes are in MB, on local - on KB
It is not a real bug, but it would bea easer if file sizes in both panels where displayed in same way.

the remote file sizes is rounded to the most usefull unit everytime. the local view is just an instance of the normal explorer.


maybe it will be more useful tu use the same rouding as explorer does?

windows explorer always shows size in kilobyte.


So I think it would be useful sometimes to disable rounding. There could be an option in preferences.

it would useful to have a rather precise way to get filesize just by looking in the browser panels, in order to compare and check if the file was transferred properly (other than right click > properties on both the local and remote file)

Kbytes would be OK, bytes would be nice.. but MBytes aren't precise enough to give a good idea of the filesize
