When adding a folder to the Monitor, make it intelligent so that i recognizes the file that actually changed and instead of uploading the whole monitored folder, make it upload only the file that was changed. This would also require the recognition of added files / deleted files [in the folder].
This would greatly simplify the Monitoring work for me. Since TrQ' saving to an .xml is either buggy or i tend to overwrite my previous project's TrQ very often(even when using Save and Save as carefully). I am also forced to open each folder separately and then select all files and manually add them to the TrQ
It would greatly ehance my coding speed.
This would greatly simplify the Monitoring work for me. Since TrQ' saving to an .xml is either buggy or i tend to overwrite my previous project's TrQ very often(even when using Save and Save as carefully). I am also forced to open each folder separately and then select all files and manually add them to the TrQ
It would greatly ehance my coding speed.