Multiple File Edit

I use Transmit a lot at work and love that you can open multiple files to edit lots at once. Once saved they're uploaded automatically, you never have to confirm overwrite locally when you double click to edit either.

I sometimes like to edit more than one file at once directly on the server in a development environment. Why can't SmartFTP have this feature? As soon as it does I will buy it.

Please don't tell me this is impossible because Transmit do it. Thanks

It's already there. Add the file you want to "edit" to the Transfer Queue. Right-click on the item in the Transfer Queue. Select Schedule. Enable Monitor File.


mb, I guess that works fine if you're editing all of the files locally, and want SmartFTP to upload them automatically when they change, but most of the sites I work on I'm editing directly on the server. So, say I'm editing an HTML file and a CSS file, or a Model, View and Controller, it's a pain in the ass because I have to

[In SmartFTP] Edit file 1 (switches to text editor)
[In text editor] Make changes, save (SmartFTP uploads)
Switch back to SmartFTP
[In SmartFTP] Close file
[In SmartFTP] Browse to file 2
[In SmartFTP] Edit file 2 (switches to text editor)
[In text editor] Make changes, save (SmartFTP uploads)
Switch back to SmartFTP
[In SmartFTP] Close file
[In SmartFTP] Browse to file 1
[In SmartFTP] Edit file 1 (switches to text editor)


It's already there. Add the file you want to "edit" to the Transfer Queue. Right-click on the item in the Transfer Queue. Select Schedule. Enable Monitor File.


The checkbox is greyed out for the monitor file thing on my SmartFTP. Why?

Hello ..

Install the latest version from:

Then go to the settings->Navigation and set the default d&d operation to "Queue". Now when you use "Edit" the items will be added to the Transfer Queue.

Make sure that the Transfer Queue is started.
