Build 988 Bug - Specify sub folder in favorites property

The previous build worked fine, but 988 introduces a bug, wherein specifing a folder (path) for the default folder in a favorites gets handled improperly causing login to root or not login at all.

When can I expect a fix? Thanks in advance.


Works here. Please post a detailed bug report including logs, system information, instruction how to reproduce.

Thank you.

1. Create a new favorite.

==> In the General Server section type in a sub folder into the 'Path' field.

2. Save the FTP favorite.

3. Launch the FTP favorite.

4. Specifying a path (sub-folder) will cause SmartFTP 988 to want to go to a different path. That in turn will cause depending on the site to either abort the login, as it is an invalid path, or take you to the root. The previous posted build works.

If you want logs and other such stuff, please instruct on how to do that step-by-step.


Hello ...

This is exactly what I tried and it worked here.

Please make sure you are running the latest build:

Logs and a screenshot of the favorite settings dialog may help.


I uninstalled the current build and deleted the folder. I then reinstalled SmartFTP using the build that you gave me. I still have the same problem.

Here is the log from when I tried and log into my own FTP account. I specified "Downloads" as the path/sub-folder. As you can see, SmartFTP simply ignored the path that I entered.

Okay, I took a screenshot. How do I upload the file to you?


SmartFTP v1.5.988.25
Resolving host name ""
Connecting to Port: 21
Connected to
220 Serv-U FTP-Server v2.5i for WinSock ready...
USER lalus
331 User name okay, need password.
PASS (hidden)
230 User logged in, proceed.
215 UNIX Type: L8
500 'FEAT': command not understood.
200 Type set to I.
350 Restarting at 0 - send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
257 "/c:/hosting/webhost4life/member/lalus" is current directory.
550 /c:/: Permission denied.
550 /c:/: Permission denied.

What exactly do you enter into the "Initial Directory" input box in the favorite item settings? Do you connect through the favorites (menu: Favorites)?

You have to upload the screenshots to your web site and add the links to your posting.


1. ... _Error.JPG

2. There is no "Initial Directory" input box, at least not anywhere obvious. You will have to give me explicit step-by-step instructions to specifically find the "Initial Directory" input box.

3. The FTP doesn't matter. I've tried specifying the "Path" for several FTP connections and they all behave the same way. To answer a possible next question, no I did not modify any of the other sections in the favorites property.

I mean the "Path" input box.

Try the absolute instead of the relative path e.g.


/C:/Downloads in your case.


Using an absolute path works, although on one site I get a jump, which is a bit annoying. More importantly relative paths worked with the previous build. Does your product no longer support relative paths? Is that a feature that you had that is permanently broken?

Thanks in advance,

Hello again,

I never received a reply to my last post. Thanks in advance.