SmartFTP Crash after every one file transfer but not always

Please install the newest version from


Please install the newest version from


Now it crash before I transfer a file ...

szAppName : SmartFTP.exe szAppVer : 2.5.1008.20 szModName : hungapp
szModVer : offset : 00000000


after removing the Client 2.0 folder in the registry, remove the SmartFTP folder in %appdata% and removing the following register keys (my bluetooth locations) the problem seems to be solved

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="Mijn Bluetooth-locaties"

"InfoTip"="Mijn Bluetooth-locaties"







[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{6af09ec9-b429-11d4-a1fb-0090960218cb}\Shell\Een Bluetooth-apparaat toevoegen]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{6af09ec9-b429-11d4-a1fb-0090960218cb}\Shell\Een Bluetooth-apparaat toevoegen\Command]

@="rundll32.exe C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\BtWizard.dll,ShowWizard"





Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="Mijn Bluetooth-locaties"

"InfoTip"="Mijn Bluetooth-locaties"

After running SmartFTP an hour without crash, it crashes again the moment I download a ZIP file to my desktop

Please provide step by step instructions on how to reproduce it.
A crash dump will also help: ... f2594.html


That doesn't work ...

When I ty to do

Before running SmartFTP execute the following command at the command line prompt:
cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Debugging Tools for Windows\adplus.vbs" -crash -FullOnFirst -pn SmartFTP.exe -o C:\Dump

I got a popup with

Command line arguments used were:
-crash -FullOnFirst -pn SmartFTP.exe -o C:\Dump
Script engine Version: 5.6.8820
WARNING! An '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' environment variable is not set, as a result ADPlus will be forced to use 'export' symbols (if present) to resolve function names in the stack trace information for each thread listed in the log file for the processes being debugged. To resolve this warning, please copy the appropriate symbols to a directory on the server and then create an environment variable with a name of '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' and a value containing the path to the proper symbols (i.e. c:\winnt\symbols) before running ADPlus in quick or crash modes again. NOTE: After creating the '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' system environment variable you will need to close the current command shell and open a new one before running ADPlus again.
Selected debugger: cdb.exe
Output Directory: C:\Dump\Crash_Mode__Date_12-06-2007__Time_10-42-2626

and when SmartFTP crash there a no dmp files ...

Fixed You have to to do cscript ... after running SmartFTP

But I have a log file now ... (not a .dmp file, but .log)