SmartFTP won't start (always crashes) and I want to use it!

After SmartFTP hung one day (trying to read a particular folder) ... I terminated it and when I try to restart now it seems to always try loading that folder and hang again, so you see the splash screen but then it hangs.

I've uninstalled/reinstalled several times and I think it has the folder settings saved in the registry so that doesn't help. How can I reset where it looks for initial folders so I might be able to resolve this because I LOVE using SmartFTP but I've had to switch for now, but I want to come back.

Thanks for you guys' help.

Hello ..

Delete the registry at:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SmartFTP\Client 2.0

If you want you can save the registry first (right click on the key -> export) and send it to us for analysis.


Thanks that worked!

I have included the registry file here if you guys want to take a look at it.

Hello ..

Could you please zip the .reg file and send it to sales at smartftp dot com.
If you have a place to host the file it would even better to avoid email filtering.

Thank you

Just sent it over to your email... hope you can use the info, and thanks again for your help!

For everybody experiencing the crash and interested to help us to find the problem please export the following registry key. Zip/rar the .reg file and send it to one of our email addresses.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SmartFTP\Client 2.0 corrupt 2\Settings\Interface\Local Browser\ShellViewState

Thank you

I'm having the exact same problem. I don't have any experience with the registry. Looking at your example I can't find the right thing to delete. I have "SmartFTP/Client 2.0/Interface/" but I don't have "Local Browser". I do have "remote browser" though. HELP!!!

Delete the complete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SmartFTP\Client 2.0\ registry branch then.


Thank you. Pardon my ignorance, but do I just select that "Client 2.0" folder and delete it? I'm just making sure I don't mess something up.

(The folder shown in the Registry tree)

Exactly. Select "Client 2.0" and delete it.

Okay, I deleted "Client 2" and I even deleted "Client" and I'm still having the same problem. I click the .exe and the license window shows up. I click "Okay" and then nothing happens.

I've tried installing the latest version but when I install it and click the newly created icon on my desktop it goes through another install process and says it can't find 'SmartFTP.msi'.

I'd like to just uninstall the program, but I have a few ftp addresses that are in my favorites that I would like to keep so I don't have to call people to get the information. Is there a way I can save a file that has that information then uninstall, reinstall and place that file in a folder so that the new installation thinks it already has saved favorites?

Thank you for your help!

Please try to install the latest version from

If you still have the problems please let me know.


Yes, I'm trying to install the latest version with the problem stated in my last post. Ugh.

To uninstall SmartFTP go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs. Then remove everything with SmartFTP (SmartFTP Client, SmartFTP Setup Files, etc).

Then install the latest version from:

The favorites will not get lost when uninstall SmartFTP.


I uninstalled the program (all versions 1-2). Unfortunately I did lose my favorites. :-( I can still get the ftp information, but it's still a bummer.

Thank you for taking the time to help though.


You can import the favorites:
[url=" ... t-f37.html"] ... t-f37.html[/url]
The old favorites file (Favorites.dat) can be found in the
%APPDATA%\SmartFTP\Client 2.0\Favorites


Got it up-and-running again. THANK YOU.


I deleted both Client and Client 2.0 using regedit - still no dice. The splash screen comes up but then nothing. I see in the Task Manager that SmartFTP.exe starts up briefly for a second and then vanishes.

This happens once every month or so. I usually uninstall and then reinstall and it works. Just wondering if there is a better alternative. I had been using SmartFTP build 1006 (June 2007) but I see that build 1008 is out. So I guess I'll uninstall my old one and try this new one.

My machine runs Windows 2000 Professional, SP4.

- V

Hello ..

You don't need to uninstall the old version. Just install the new version over the old one:


Thanks. I did.. and, as always, it works. However, I seem to be doing this every two months.

- V