"File Exists" Rules not followed

For filenames such as "7780 Chat.mp3" the "File Exist" rules seem to be ignored, and the file is downloaded regardless.

Quick Connect favourite used for downloads. Set that favourite's Properties | Transfer | File Exists | File Exist Queue > Use Favorite's Settings | Edit Rules and use "Restore Defaults". Also enable "File exist action based on the comparison between hash values."

Use that QC Favourite to select a whole directory to download, select local destination and synchronisation as "One Way".

Set schedule to recur every 1 day (though this may not be relevant).

File exist rules are properly followed for almost all files that match, but apparently matching files whose names start with digits seem to be downloaded every single time, regardless of whether they match or not.

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed : 2992 MHz
Total Memory : 1014 MB
Free Memory : 343 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 2.5.1006.13
Time Stamp : 2007-07-27 16:41:07
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
SmartHook.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 2.5.1006.13

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2900.2180

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

I hope I have provided everything you need. If not, please do feel free to post requesting more information.

Many thanks in advance.


Hello ..

Thank you for your report. Unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce it:

This is the log from the 2nd download of the same file:

[13:51:36] TYPE I
[13:51:36] 200 Type set to I
[13:51:36] SIZE 7780 Chat.mp3
[13:51:36] 213 50
[13:51:36] MDTM 7780 Chat.mp3
[13:51:36] 213 20070823114850
[13:51:36] Source File: Size=50, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2007-08-23T11:48:50, TimeFormat=Exact
[13:51:36] Destination File: Size=50, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2007-08-23T11:48:50, TimeFormat=Exact
[13:51:36] Rule "IF Destination Time=Equal AND Size=Equal AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Skip" matched. Action="Skip".
[13:51:36] Skipping file "7780 Chat.mp3". Reason: User action.

As you can see the file is ignored.

Are you sure that you are using the correct favorite with the correct File Exist settings? Because I noticed that some of my favorites have no rules in the Queue - File Exist settings.

The file name is not taken into account when SmartFTP processes the file exist rules.


Thank you for the follow up. Can you post the raw directory listing of this directory? Right-click on it and select "Show Raw Listing".

This will well you what exactly the server returns for the date of this file. I assume it returns no date or an invalid one.


Interesting. Here it is. Dates look OK to my (untrained) eye. I wonder why it's not working properly then.

size=0;type=cdir;perm=fdelcmp;create=20070313215218;modify=20070608141208; .
size=0;type=pdir;perm=fdelcmp;create=20070313215218;modify=20070608141208; ..
size=6631471;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070313215602;modify=20070313215617; 7733 Chat.mp3
size=9099520;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070313215617;modify=20070313215636; 7736 Chat.mp3
size=8380630;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070313215733;modify=20070313215753; 7737 Chat.mp3
size=5300271;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070313215756;modify=20070313215805; 7739 Chat.mp3
size=4855146;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070326152356;modify=20070326152452; 7747 Chat.mp3
size=4870820;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070326152452;modify=20070326152538; 7748 Chat.mp3
size=5147718;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070326152538;modify=20070326152601; 7750 Chat.mp3
size=5233922;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070409173230;modify=20070409173251; 7751 Chat.mp3
size=6042673;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070409173252;modify=20070409173325; 7753 Chat.mp3
size=4138869;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070409174056;modify=20070409174106; 7756 Chat.mp3
size=3374526;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070409174106;modify=20070409174117; 7757 Chat.mp3
size=4689530;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070409174118;modify=20070409174130; 7759 Chat.mp3
size=5822722;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070409174130;modify=20070409174144; 7760 Chat.mp3
size=3202645;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070413140857;modify=20070413140903; 7762 Chat.mp3
size=4965906;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070413140904;modify=20070413140917; 7765 Chat.mp3
size=4802902;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070413140918;modify=20070413140927; 7769 Chat.mp3
size=5946020;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070413140928;modify=20070413140936; 7770 Chat.mp3
size=7006591;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070413212054;modify=20070413212103; 7772 Chat.mp3
size=7806461;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070413212103;modify=20070413212113; 7773 Chat.mp3
size=5873922;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070502194242;modify=20070502194249; 7777 Chat.mp3
size=6383310;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070502194249;modify=20070502194257; 7778 Chat.mp3
size=6705661;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070502194258;modify=20070502194306; 7780 Chat.mp3
size=5626883;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20070608141132;modify=20070608141140; 7781 Chat 23.mp3

Hello ..

Yep the dates are okay in the MLSD listing. Any chance I can get temporary access to the FTP server?


I'm afraid probably not. I do not have admin access to the server as I do not own or operate it. Is there something you would like me to try on that server (providing it does not change anything)? Or a message I could pass to the server's administrator on how to fix something?

Hello ..

1. The FTP server software doesn't implement the MDTM command correctly. It assumes that the first number is the time of the file.
[14:12:10] MDTM 7780 Chat.mp3
[14:12:10] 501 invalid date

The correct syntax can be found in Section 3 of the RFC: http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/rfc/rfc3659.txt
The syntax for the MDTM command is:
mdtm = "MdTm" SP pathname CRLF

Therefore "7780 Chat.mp3" should be interpreted as the path by the server.

2. Without access to the FTP server we are not willing to debug this any further.
