I just installed SmartFTP 2.5.1006 (64-bit) and tried to do some directory synchronisation using the information in the KB. It was an utter and complete failure.
SmartFTP seems to have a very weird notion of "Recent" -- despite the time being set to 120s (as default), this is one of the logfiles:
Somehow I don't think 16 days falls within the 2 minute Recent window. (And since these were text files crossing from Windows to Linux, resuming at a byte offset corrupted the file.)
SmartFTP seems to have a very weird notion of "Recent" -- despite the time being set to 120s (as default), this is one of the logfiles:
[20070622 23:57:22] Log opened
[20070622 23:57:22] Remote file exist check: "admin.css".
[20070622 23:57:22] SIZE admin.css
[20070622 23:57:22] 213 12744
[20070622 23:57:22] MDTM admin.css
[20070622 23:57:23] 213 20070606211907
[20070622 23:57:23] Source File: Size=13108, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2007-05-29T20:36:08, TimeFormat=Exact
[20070622 23:57:23] Destination File: Size=12744, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2007-06-06T21:19:07, TimeFormat=Exact
[20070622 23:57:23] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[20070622 23:57:23] PASV
[20070622 23:57:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (x,x,x,x,69,42)
[20070622 23:57:23] Opening data connection to x.x.x.x Port: 17706
[20070622 23:57:23] REST 12744
[20070622 23:57:23] 350 Restarting at 12744
[20070622 23:57:23] STOR admin.css
[20070622 23:57:23] 150 Accepted data connection
[20070622 23:57:23] 364 bytes transferred. (1.34 KB/s) (265 ms)
[20070622 23:57:24] 226-File successfully transferred
[20070622 23:57:24] 226 0.288 seconds (measured here), 1.23 Kbytes per second
[20070622 23:57:24] MDTM 20070529203608 admin.css
[20070622 23:57:24] 550 Can't check for file existence
[20070622 23:57:24] SIZE admin.css
[20070622 23:57:24] 213 13108
[20070622 23:57:24] Log closed