There are items from 2 ftp site in the global queue.
Today, I saw that the connections SmartFtp use for each item for each site in global queue suddenly change to 2.
Previously I set it in the favourite to use only 1 connection for each site. So I go to favourite and check again and I found that the value is still 1.
So I stop it and download again and it now back to normal.
I have been download from both ftp site for about 1 month and this situation never happen before.
I am using the SmartFtp 2.0.995.12.
Just to report this let developer know about this problem.
Today, I saw that the connections SmartFtp use for each item for each site in global queue suddenly change to 2.
Previously I set it in the favourite to use only 1 connection for each site. So I go to favourite and check again and I found that the value is still 1.
So I stop it and download again and it now back to normal.
I have been download from both ftp site for about 1 month and this situation never happen before.
I am using the SmartFtp 2.0.995.12.
Just to report this let developer know about this problem.