List Fails to display contents on z/VM 5.1

When I try to list the files nothing is showing up in the file list window. However, all the files are listed when I look at the "Raw Listing".

[10:54:56] SmartFTP v2.0.992.40
[10:54:56] Resolving host name "ralvm14"
[10:54:57] Connecting to x.x.x.x Port: 21
[10:54:59] Connected to ralvm14.
[10:54:59] 220-FTPSERVE IBM VM Level 510 at, 10:56:40 EST WEDNESDAY 2006-01-18
[10:54:59] 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.
[10:54:59] USER rryjew
[10:54:59] 331 Send password please.
[10:54:59] PASS (hidden)
[10:54:59] 230-RRYJEW logged in; working directory = RRYJEW 191 (ReadOnly)
[10:54:59] 230 write access currently unavailable
[10:54:59] SYST
[10:54:59] 215-z/VM Version 5 Release 1.0, service level 0402 (64-bit)
[10:54:59] VM/CMS Level 21, Service Level 402
[10:54:59] 215 VM is the operating system of this server.
[10:54:59] FEAT
[10:54:59] 500 Unknown command, 'FEAT'
[10:54:59] TYPE I
[10:54:59] 200 Representation type is IMAGE.
[10:54:59] REST 0
[10:54:59] 500 REST is only allowed for block or compressed mode.
[10:54:59] PWD
[10:54:59] 257 "RRYJEW.191" is working directory (ReadOnly)
[10:54:59] CWD /RRYJEW.191
[10:55:00] 250 Working directory is RRYJEW 191 (ReadOnly)
[10:55:00] PWD
[10:55:00] 257 "RRYJEW.191" is working directory (ReadOnly)
[10:55:00] TYPE A
[10:55:00] 200 Representation type is ASCII.
[10:55:00] PASV
[10:55:00] 227 Data transfer will passively listen to x,x,x,x,x,x
[10:55:00] Opening data connection to x.x.x.x Port: 15904
[10:55:00] LIST -aL
[10:55:00] 550 '-aL' not found
[10:55:07] CWD /RRYJEW.191
[10:55:07] 250 Working directory is RRYJEW 191 (ReadOnly)
[10:55:07] PWD
[10:55:07] 257 "RRYJEW.191" is working directory (ReadOnly)
[10:55:07] PASV
[10:55:07] 227 Data transfer will passively listen to x,x,x,x,x,x
[10:55:07] Opening data connection to x.x.x.x Port: 15908
[10:55:07] LIST -aL
[10:55:07] 550 '-aL' not found
[10:55:35] CWD /
[10:55:35] 250 Working directory is RRYJEW 191 (ReadOnly)
[10:55:35] PWD
[10:55:35] 257 "RRYJEW.191" is working directory (ReadOnly)
[10:55:35] PASV
[10:55:35] 227 Data transfer will passively listen to x,x,x,x,x,x
[10:55:35] Opening data connection to x.x.x.x Port: 15931
[10:55:35] LIST
[10:55:35] 125 List started OK
[10:55:35] 4536 bytes transferred. (73.8 KB/s) (60 ms)
[10:55:35] 250 List completed successfully.
[10:55:41] CWD /RRYJEW.191
[10:55:41] 250 Working directory is RRYJEW 191 (ReadOnly)
[10:55:41] PWD
[10:55:41] 257 "RRYJEW.191" is working directory (ReadOnly)
[10:55:41] PASV
[10:55:41] 227 Data transfer will passively listen to x,x,x,x,x,x
[10:55:41] Opening data connection to x.x.x.x Port: 15934
[10:55:41] LIST
[10:55:41] 125 List started OK
[10:55:41] 4536 bytes transferred. (73.8 KB/s) (60 ms)
[10:55:41] 250 List completed successfully.
[10:56:32] NOOP


$EDIT	DISCARD  V		 75		  3		  1 2004-09-01 09:29:10 RRY191

$EDIT	PUNJOB   F		 80		413		  9 2003-03-24 10:45:23 RRY191

$PCWARES MACLIB   F		 80		101		  2 1992-07-06 15:43:47 RRY191

@IDEAS@  30850947 V		 81		 61		  1 2003-03-26 09:46:03 RRY191

A		EXECF	V		 69		 40		  1 2003-02-25 14:42:50 RRY191

CANBRW   LINKJCL  F		 80		147		  3 2003-03-03 11:56:25 RRY191

CHKFLAGS $ERRLOG$ V		111		 52		  2 2003-03-24 11:19:20 RRY191

CNMCMENT FAT	  F		 80		967		 19 2002-12-19 18:16:24 RRY191

CNMIRLOD ASSEMBLE F		 80		151		  3 2005-12-02 11:51:07 RRY191

CNMSTGEN CLD	  V		 72		 37		  1 2002-12-03 17:55:23 RRY191

CNMSTGEN NVCLD	V		 71		 38		  1 2002-11-23 01:00:31 RRY191

DEFAULTS ANYODFLT F	   1024		  2		  1 2002-10-03 17:09:16 RRY191

DSIMDMH  ATXT	 F		 80		982		 20 2003-03-21 10:28:56 RRY191

DSIMSG02 MEMBER   F		 80		 37		  1 2003-02-26 13:35:25 RRY191

DSITAPQP ATXT	 F		 80		 75		  2 2003-03-21 10:33:26 RRY191

DSITASTO PLA$N52I F		 80		600		 12 2003-01-23 12:52:57 RRY191

EDCPRLG  COPY	 F		 80		173		  4 2005-12-02 14:57:58 RRY191

EPQPROF  MACLIB   F		 80		 75		  2 2003-01-09 12:27:53 RRY191

EZBZPTHD PLASMAC  F		 80		159		  4 2002-10-01 07:31:12 RRY191

FKXEDVST REX$N52U F		 80		336		  7 2004-09-01 15:00:15 RRY191

FKXEGTCN REX$N52U F		 80		515		 11 2003-02-04 09:51:29 RRY191

FKXWWNLS PNL$N52B F		 80		 93		  2 2002-05-30 11:48:09 RRY191

GETM	 EXEC	 V		 71		 41		  1 2003-02-14 13:57:50 RRY191

IDSS	 USERLOG  V		 97		259		  5 2005-11-11 14:03:33 RRY191

IDSSPROC EXEC	 V		 74		144		  1 2003-02-28 19:33:46 RRY191

LASTING  GLOBALV  V		 81		131		  1 2006-01-18 10:39:07 RRY191

LST	  EXEC	 F		 80		  4		  1 2000-04-03 13:36:16 RRY191

NVMSG	T1	   V		259	   8793		115 2004-08-31 11:19:42 RRY191

P		NEXX	 V		 37		 27		  1 2003-02-28 18:09:04 RRY191

PART	 RENAME   F		 80		  5		  1 2002-11-19 18:09:54 RRY191

Thank you for posting.

If you could help us with the meaning of each column in the raw directory listing we can write a parser for it.
- What's the meaning of the 1 - 5 column?
- How to distinguish between a file and a folder?
- What column represents the size? If the size is in blocks, how big is one block?

Thank you for your time.

Ah. Thanks.

Can you post the raw directory listing after you sent the "SITE LISTF UNIX" command as well?

Does the LIST command with argument e.g. LIST -al work if the FTP server is in "unix" mode?

Is the length of the filename limited to 8 characters?

In the VM directory listing, is the time in UTC or local time?

Thank you.

Please try the latest beta version:

It might be able to decode the VM directory listing. The -aL should be automatically removed as well. But due to lack of information and a test environment please don't expect too much :-)


Thanks. Were you able to test the latest beta version as well?


Yes, I did test the latest version and the list flags were automatically removed, but it was not able to translate the list when in VM file list format.

It works well in UNIX format.

Thanks. Were you able to test the latest beta version as well?


Please try again with the latest beta (.4). It should be fixed now:
