Custom Commands broken

Since 1.5.990 the custom commands tab is broken!
When you get over it with the mouse cursor it only shows Edit custom commands.
If you press it and cancel it again the command tab wil open normally.

It got really annoying because I need it more often now, so I reported it.

btw the old forum was much more comfortable for me.


Hmm. Can you tell me what you are exactly doing? Do you access the "Edit Custom Commands" over the menu: Commands->Edit Custom Commands? If you can provide a screenshot that would be great too.


But the same happens when using Commands!


And even without an ftp site open.


Hope that helps. It wonders me that I'm the only one noticing it...


Hi, press the last button on the "edit custom command" toolbar to restore the custom commands to the default ones.

No, that doesn't fix the problem. Already tried that.

Only way to get it back is to edit and cancel it. Then the menu opens.


Hi, can you try with the SmartFTP 2.0 Beta build if it fixes your trouble? (for me they work fine)

Sorry, but I'm quite satisfied with 1.5 and I don't want to use 2.0 before it's out of the "beta" status.

I'll wait for MB, it seems he has a clue...


Bug confirmed. Will be fixed in the next build of v1.5. I will let you know as soon as its ready. Thank you for reporting.

Fixed in v1.5 Build 991.24

Hooray! Great! Thank you!

Case closed.
