Local file '%s' not found.

Hi, suddenly SmartFtp is not working and all I get in the log is:

[14:26:46] Cannot login waiting to retry (5s)...
[14:26:51] Continue to login attempt 9...
[14:26:51] Local file '%s' not found.
[14:26:51] Cannot login waiting to retry (5s)...
[14:26:56] Continue to login attempt 10...
[14:26:56] Local file '%s' not found.
[14:26:56] Cannot login waiting to retry (5s)...

Can someone please tell me how to fix this?
I urgently need it to transfer some files.


Hi, try updating to the last beta build found at my signature.

Is this SmartFtp's bug or is it my fault?

Does beta build stable enough? Or should I just reinstall the version I am using now?

Does files or queue that is half download will have any effect? Is there any files I should backup?

What is the procedure for reinstall again or update it with beta build?


Where can I download the lastest stable build? This is because previously I saw some in this forum are using lastest stable build which I can't find it in the download page. (I don't know whether it is already updated or not because I managed only download the version 1.5.990.26 a weeks ago at the download page.)

So, to update it I wouldn't need to backup anything and the installation will
automatically replace the necessary files?

Thanks for your quick reply.

For example: https://www.smartftp.com/download (i don't know what build is i only use beta builds)