I have to take my firewall off in order to use SmartFTP

I have to take my firewall off in order to use SmartFTP. But when my firewall is up it shows the following:-

SmartFTP v1.5.990.2

    Resolving host name


    No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

    Client closed the connection.

    Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

    Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/58

My firewall is Windows Firewall SP2, and I also have Smartftp on my list of exceptions, as you can see:-


How can I access my FTP site without taking off my Windows Firewall?

Hi, try to remove the 2 "SmartFTP" from access list and run SmartFTP again.

The MS Windows firewall is never the source of the problem. The cause is very likely a 3rd party software (firewall, anti-virus) installed on your system. e.g. McAfee's worm protection etc.


The MS Windows firewall is never the source of the problem. The cause is very likely a 3rd party software (firewall, anti-virus) installed on your system. e.g. McAfee's worm protection etc.


I don't even have Norton, McAfee or any other virus protection other than Stinger which isn't installed on my system, the program can be executed from the exe file.

Hi, try to remove the 2 "SmartFTP" from access list and run SmartFTP again.

That didn't work.

I have the following programs on my computer:-
Photoshop 7, GIF compressor, Audio Converter, DietMP3, Java, Kazaa, Dreamweaver, Flash, Shockwave, Mp3 splitter, Msn plus 3, .net framework, firefox, thunderbird, msi bluetooth, msn messenger, office xp, quickcam, smartftp, spybot - s&d, stuffplug, windowsblinds, winrar.