Most files don't display

Most of the files in the directory listing do not display.

------------ CONNECTION LOG ----------------

    SmartFTP v1.5.990.8

    Resolving host name ""

    Connecting to Port: 21

    Connected to

220 Service Ready for new User

    USER .macdems.web.mac

331 Password Needed for Login

    PASS (hidden)

230 User macdems Logged in Successfully


215 NETWARE Type: L8


500 'FEAT' : Unknown Command

    TYPE I

200 TYPE Command OK I

    REST 0

350 Restarting at 0. Execute get or put


257 "/DATA/web/docs/stuorgs/macdems" is Current Directory

    CWD /DATA/web/docs/stuorgs/macdems/public.www

250 Directory successfully changed to "/DATA/web/docs/stuorgs/macdems/public.www"


257 "/DATA/web/docs/stuorgs/macdems/public.www" is Current Directory

------------ RAW LISTING ------------------
total 0

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                      69201 Sep 17  2004 3DSCF0036.jpg

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       3813 May 01 01:12 about.html

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                      35900 Aug 23 00:31 atom.xml

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       5656 May 01 01:13 calendar.html

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       3537 Feb 12  2004 Caucuses.html

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       3381 Feb 10  2004 Day_at_Capital.html

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       1273 Nov 04  2001 donkey.gif

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                      50336 Aug 23 00:31 index.html

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                        372 Nov 25  2003 IrfanView.lnk

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       7872 May 01 01:12 links.html

- [RWCEAFMS] macdems                         29157 Sep 05 22:05 meetings.html

- [RWCEAFMS] macdems                         15946 Sep 05 22:05 meetings.xml

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       1267 Nov 25  2003 Old_Pics.html

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       2283 Apr 20  2004 Other_News.html

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       2104 Apr 13  2004 Others_News.html

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       1786 Sep 14  2004 pngfix.js

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       1412 Mar 08  2004 Pres_links.html

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       4787 May 01 00:09 style.css

- [RWCEAFMS]          0                       2195 Apr 20  2004 Upcoming_Events.html

d [RWCEAFMS]          0                        512 Sep 03 15:43 2004

d [RWCEAFMS]          0                        512 Sep 05 22:05 2005

d [RWCEAFMS]          0                        512 Sep 05 22:05 archive

d [RWCEAFMS]          0                        512 Sep 03 15:43 img

d [RWCEAFMS]          0                        512 Aug 07 15:02 meetings

d [RWCEAFMS]          0                        512 Sep 03 15:43 misc

d [RWCEAFMS]          0                        512 Sep 03 15:43 new

d [RWCEAFMS]          0                        512 Sep 03 15:43 Old_Site

d [RWCEAFMS]          0                        512 Sep 03 15:43 oldsite

The only files that show up are meetings.html and meetings.xml. In other directories, no files or directories show up at all. I've tried every combination in the Directory Listing Options.


Problem fixed in latest beta version:
