some comments

l recently tried the shareware version of your program, and after a few frustrating and bewildering days trying to use it l uninstalled it. no flames, just a few comments-

the user interface is EXTREMELY non-intuitive. l had difficulty finding my way around it even for simple tasks. window placement/management was very poor, in my opinion.

the queue function drove me absolutely apeshit trying to figure it out. l just want to be able to transfer files, not pass a leetness test.

the local folder view wouldn't display the pdf files in the directory, which were what l wanted to transfer- indeed, were the reason l downloaded your program in the first place.

no offense, but using your program was an exercise in aggravation. wsftp was much easier to use and much more user-friendly. l also downloaded leap ftp and was able to discover [and accomplish] what l wanted in just a few minutes. my apologies, but l don't care how good a program is or how many features it has or how well-coded it is if l can't use it, easily. call me a clueless noob, but that's my view.

good luck with your program. l hope it is a big success, and l mean that sincerely, but l doubt l'll be using it again. there is no need to reply to this for that same reason- l just dropped in to give you some feedback and will not be back.


To show all the files you must open a local browser, to transfer drag and drop, for window placement, tile verticaly.