retry on transfertimeout does not work in Smartftp 1.5

i have a bad Connection with a lost Packet about every 5 Seconds.

The Old SmartFTP 1.1.985 does a automatic retry and is working fine, the current Version 1.5.988 and the nighthly build from today makes no retry.

Connection Max Retries set to 10
Connection Retry Delay set to 7 s
Connection Timeout set to 40s

There is no retry after 7 s in the current Version.
After 40 s i get the Message 450 link to file server Lost.

I can Resume the transver, but at large files i must resume a lot times.
So currently i installed the old Version.

If you can fix the Bug i can test it after the 22.8.

Best greetings,

Use the global queue.


The Global Queue is no Solution for me, because I download some Files from different source Directorys, and i want to store them in different Local Directorys. I will be asked for each File that exists what to do with it.

I tryed the current Version from Today and the Bug is there

Best Greetings.