need newer version of windows installer

I dbl click sftpmsi.exe and start the process. It says "This package requires a newer version of the Windows Installer... " I click 'yes' to get it and then it says "Setup was unable to find'C....instmsia.exe"

What is instmsia.exe and where do I get it?

What OS are you guys running?

If you are running Windows 9x please get the Windows Installer 2.0 from ... 3BB768148F


This was the solution:

instmsia is for W9x ... 3BB768148F
<makeoneline> Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable for Windows 95, 98,
and Me

NT & 2K need ... layLang=en
Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable for Windows NT 4.0 and 2000

XP & 2Ksp2 need the service pack/s see kb 322389 & 260910

To find kb/s use set for
search type article ID.

Mike Easter provided the above in 24hoursupport.helpdesk