Access denied to C: drive in local browser

My small but annoying problem is this: every time I start SmartFTP, I get a message saying

C:System Volume Information is not accessible.
Access is denied.

If I click the OK button (the only option) the message disappears and SmartFTP functions normally. Only a minor problem, but I am hoping someone can help and that there is an easy fix.

I am running Windows XP Home with SP2, SmartFTP 1.0.982.


Try to close local browser, SmartFTP, then open again SmartFTP and open again a local browser.

Thanks for your reply, Aokromes.

Your suggestion worked, up to a point. If I am inside the web directory when I close SmartFTP, I still get the error message next time I open SmartFTP. However, if I close it when I am one or more directory levels above my web directory, no error message. Something in my web directory is triggering the error.