missing images on website


I have uploaded my new files to my website using SmartFTP but I have a few queries which I hope may shed some light on my problem.

The settings I used to upload via FTP were as follows:

username: boing
password: supplied by host

I then connected and opened my local browser to find my files in my upload folder. One query I have is that in the tutorial it says that I should have a file called htdocs but in my file I have two folders called www & logs. If I open www I have various other folders in there with all my old files attached. When I drag & drop my new files, where should I be putting them for upload? Should I be removing old files beforehand?

I have successfully dragged & dropped my new folders into www & uploaded using direct upload. The text is there but none of the images although I know they are all with the folders. How do I tell FTP to upload the images as well as the text? Would I be better off to use the global upload?

One more question (sorry!). Can I test run one folder to upload with images instead of the whole site so I can tell if it's working before I do the whole thing?

Thanks heaps for any advice!!

I have noticed this with my website uploads too.

basically what i do is after i do the upload of the main stuff, i will go and reload the image folders one at a time and most of the time that works.

Seems like the smartftp has a slight problem remembering to send all the data and only sends the data it does remember.

Hope that helps a little!