Prgram stops responding everytime I try to connect

Everytime I try to connect to any server, smart FTP just stops responding. The onlyexception is when I just installed the program, then it works fine. Anytime after that, after I click on the connect button, it just stops, no matter how long I wait.

I thought it was a one time problem, so I uninstalled it, and then reinstalled, and then it worked fine. I use it again, then, as I said, it isn't fine.


Please use the forum search next time. In short: Update to the latest developer build (download e.g. from my footer) and delete the "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSmartFTP" registry key.

thanks, but is deleting the registry key done using the process italicized in this: ? and if so.. I jsut delete the entire smartFTP folder? in that registry key thing? I've never done it before... so I'm not even sure where to find those things.

Yes, it should work as specified in the tip, but there is an easier way: Start the SmartFTP Backup Manager which comes with SmartFTP (usually at "Start -> Programs -> SmartFTP -> Tools -> SmartFTP Backup Manager"), just press "Next" twice, then select "Reset data" from the "Operation" page, press "Next", deselect "Apply operation to data directory" (all other options remain checked), press "Next" and "Yes" on the confirmation dialog, then "Finish". If you haven't installed the latest developer build yet, do so now and start up SmartFTP afterwards.

Hi try:

Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services

And stop Application Layer Gateway Service and Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) and check if that works.