Custom Command Errors


Im trying to set up a custom command to set file permissions on a number of files at once. i had the list of files iwth the commands in a text document, and i copied and pasted into the custom command box, with each command seperated with a line break. This didt work and came up with a few symbols in the log as the command, instead of the acutal command.

I tried typing the first few commands in manually, and it worked. so i copy/pasted the first 4 commands and that worked.

I restarted SmartFTP, and tried to run the command again, and it came up with the error again. Is there any way to solve this?

This is the commands....

SITE CHMOD 777 admincentre/pages/comcode_custom/EN

SITE CHMOD 777 exports/backups

SITE CHMOD 777 lang_custom

SITE CHMOD 777 pages/comcode_custom/EN

SITE CHMOD 777 sources_custom

SITE CHMOD 777 supermembercentre/pages/comcode_custom/EN

SITE CHMOD 777 themes

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/alien/images_custom

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/alien/templates_custom

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/alien/templates_cached/EN

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/default/images_custom

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/default/templates_custom

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/default/templates_cached/EN

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/default/templates_cached

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/gusblue/images_custom

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/gusblue/templates_custom

SITE CHMOD 777 themes/gusblue/templates_cached/EN

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/catalogues

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/auto_thumbs

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/banners

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/downloads

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/filedump

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/galleries

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/galleries_thumbs

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/iotds

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/iotds_thumbs

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/seedy

SITE CHMOD 777 uploads/seedy_thumbs

SITE CHMOD 666 data/errorlog.php

SITE CHMOD 666 info.php

SITE CHMOD 666 pages/html_custom/EN/download_tree_made.htm

SITE CHMOD 666 seedy/pages/html_custom/EN/seedy_tree_made.htm

SITE CHMOD 666 text/admin_notes.txt

SITE CHMOD 666 text/netlink.txt

SITE CHMOD 666 text/EN/quotes.txt

SITE CHMOD 666 themes/alien/sheet.css

SITE CHMOD 666 themes/default/sheet.css

SITE CHMOD 666 themes/gusblue/sheet.css

I remember there used to be an error with long custom commands, see ... om+command
Please download the latest developer build from my footer to see if your issue is also fixed.