
Is there anyway for SmartFTP to automatically connect to my ftp site when I start the program?

Just specify the FTP URL on the command line or run "SmartFTP.exe /?" for help.

I don't think that I understand you totally. I opened up the command line in smartftp, but I'm not sure what to do now. Entering my ftp url didn't do anything but spit out an error. It's probably just that I didn't explain what I wanted enough. I want to open smartftp and have it connect to my ftp site without clicking anything. Sorry if I'm a little slow at this, I just started using SmartFTP.

I sure understood you. I'm not talking about the command line within SmartFTP. I'm talking about the DOS-like command line from Windows, the one you can launch from the Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt (or similar, I don't have an english Windows version). In that prompt, change to the SmartFTP directory an run "SmartFTP.exe <FTP site>" to connect to the site upon startup.
As it seems you are not familiar with the command line, it might be easier for you to create a new shortcut to SmartFTP, go to the shortcuts's properties, and specify the FTP site as a parameter to "SmartFTP.exe" there.

Also see:

Awesome, that's exactly what I needed. I didn't mean to infer that you weren't capable of understanding what I needed, only that I hadn't explained it well enough. Thanks for your help.