Unable to update Windows Installer Failed to load msi.dll

My Solution follows. I use Windows 98 and while trying to install SmartFTP I encountered the error "Setup was unable to update the Windows Installer. Failed to load msi.dll"

As suggested on SmartFTP's support page https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/162
I downloaded from Microsoft's page http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/rele ... seID=32831
the file InstMsiA.exe which is appropriate for Windows 98.

However, when I clicked on the InstMsia.exe file, it was reported that "The Specified Service Already Exists".
Additional research led me to believe that my msi.dll file was possibly damaged, so this is what I did to successfully get SmartFTP installed.

0- I have already downloaded the latest Windows Installer version 2 for my system, file IntMsiA.exe from the link above.

1- Delete msi.dll (or rename it if you like to msi.bak for safety sake)
To delete this file, I had to: "Start" > "Shut Down" > "Restart in MS-DOS Mode".
I navigate to: C:WINDOWSSYSTEM.
Type: DEL MSI.DLL [Enter]

2- Restart Windows (Tip- type: EXIT [Enter])

3- Click on InstMsiA.exe to reinstall the msi.dll file

4- Click on SFTPFull.exe (from the "Full Setup (All Platforms) (6 MB)" link on page https://www.smartftp.com/download/ ) to install SmartFTP

When I tried to run the program from - Start > Programs > SmartFTP > SmartFTP , I got an error
"............... is not a valid win32 application"

I uninstalled SmartFTP from the Add/Remove window, and reinstalled it, but got the same ".....not a valid win32 application" error. So ...

5- I restarted my system and SmartFTP started up just fine.