Directory listing feature?

I am looking to purchase a simple FTP client. I've heard good things about SmartFTP. Someone suggested I check out CoreFTP, also.

The CoreFTP web site has screenshots that appear to show a directory listing of both a local folder and a remote FTP site ( This seems very intuitive to me and (I believe) is similar to what's found in MS FrontPage. Does SmartFTP have such a feature?

Yes, SmartFTP can do that. In SmartFTP, you can have several local and several remote windows open at the same time. You can also minimize some to keep them out of the way.

Thanks! How do I get SmartFTP to do that? I was able to open a window that lists the directories on my local drives, but nothing that actually showed the contents. Admittedly, I haven't spent a lot of time with it yet.

FTP --> Local Browser.