SLOW upload times...NEED HELP

Hi there, I am a newbie to this FTPing stuff. I read all of the help on how to improve your upload times, however, the IO buffer thing and the latest build, none of that means anything to me. I have done tests from the sites that SmartFTP forwarded me to and I tested 3 times and averaged around 106 kbps. I called up Yahoo!DSL and I did a test there and I was at around 228 something. Now, in SmartFTP, I am only uploading at an average of 28kbps!!! What is up with that, I need to be at a higher speed, and I don't know how.

The server I am uploading to said that they have a great T1(?) line and don't have problems.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! :x I am so frustrated. Can anyone help me???
Thanks in advance!

I too have this isse. Is this a known thing. Is is because it is freeware or is it a router issue? I am using a Linksys router for my cable modem.

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide. This is REALLY irritating.

SmartFTP don't has upload limits because freeware, slow uploads on internet can be because a lot of reasons.

DSL, more specifically ADSL, commonly has a slow upload speed and what you are getting sounds about right. 5-to-1 your test upload speed is 228 kbps as you stated and your SmartFTP upload speed is around 28KBps. KBps and kbps are two different measurements. 28 KBps = 224 kbps. So you are getting your maximum upload speed.


What's weird is that I have a cable modem and according to the Cable company, Upload speeds are supposed to be 256 KBps. Download speeds are up to 5 MBps.

So somethings not right. 8O

I am sure it is the cable company :roll: but I am unsure how to prove it to them. :?: Is there a log file I can point to that will clearly show that at this port range they are limiting bandwidth?
