Graphic problems from a newbee!

Please help. I am able to upload my pages no problem and i have all my images available, yet when i check my site on the net, the images appear broken then appear after a short time. Am i publishing the images to the wrong folder or something? when i check my image properties online there is no link to a gif or jpeg - it just gives the address of the website as though i am looking at the properties of the whole page not the graphic. I am using Word which i know is not ideal. Am i completely crazy? I'm a newbee so i apologise!!!!

If the server is a linux box file.jpg is diferent from file.JPG i recomend you to check that you have the filenames of the graphics on lowercase and on the html to.

Thanks but i am still stuck. have checked and all jpeg files etc are lower case (As well as on server) i maybe going mad.

You are hosting the images on a diferent site than the html? most of free sites don't allows hardlinking, try opening a new browser and go to the full adress of the image, or maibe it's bw limited. Also if you post the webpage i can try to check the reason.

Now i'm definately getting lost. The site is and as you will see is very under construction, but the pics do come up after a short time. but i know i am doing something wrong.

all my images are in the same folder as my html files uploaded to the server. I think i must be doing something really obviously wrong but ii can't get it!

Thanks for your input aokrome

Sorry but i can't reach that domain, my dns servers (10) says unable to resolve...

Sorry i have had problems with computer.

I don't know why you cant access the site. perhaps you could try again?

I'm really stuckk with this problem. would you have any suggestions as to where i could go for help?

I cannot access your site either. Check your posted url and see if it is correct.

yeah its...

i have checked it with a couple of friends and they can access it ok.

Now i am definately losing it...aaah!

Ok, to start M$ word is a very bad tool to make a webpage, try to use Frontpage or macromedia dreamweaver, you have said that you upload the images files to the same directory as html files, but the webpage tries to get the images from another directory (./Aboutj_files) for example.

I have now connected to your site. Do not know why I could not connect the first three times. I do not know why the images will not load quickly and without the error. May I make a suggestion. I keep my images separate from the html pages in a directory called Images and link to that folder on the site.
Also I have tried Front Page and Dreamweaver. Front page was not robust enough and Dreamweaver was over my technical brain. Settled on Go Live from Adobe and am pleased with it. You can dowload a free trial and open up your html pages, relink everything and then upload back to the server. I know it sounds like a lot of effort but I have no clue of why you are having a problem.
Good luck.

thanks for your help.

but what do you mean by linking to the images on the server?

The thing that gets me is, if you go into another persons site, click on a picture under properties it usually give a link showing it as a jpeg image. i.e
however if i do that on mine it just shows the webpage address


Thanks though you have been most helpful.

Hi there markblue I couldn't connect to the site either by clicking on that first link - it had a typo :wink:

I did connect though - I don't know what word has done - but you might like to download netscape and see what it does to the site word obviously has used a lot of things that are not supported by netscape, and it sure has used a swag of code :/ Also, if you don't mind me giving you another little suggestion - you might want to make a template and use that throughout the entire site so that it has cohesion.