getting started

i have downloaded all of the items that instructed me to do but i am still confused on how to get started. i don't know what to put in the category "address" or what to putn in the box that says "" i am trying to download from and that is not working. the log also says that my password is hidden and cannot connect. please help.

thank you very very much

I'm having this same problem. Can someone please help us?


I think that don't has a ftp server. It looks to be a P2P network, and that needs a specific client.

I'm having the same problem as nectar19...any clues on wht might be wrong? I'm using an Envision forum. Any help would be very welcome, I'm tearing my hair out at this point..... :evil:

I have a similar problem, I don't know wether this is a SmartFTP bug or a server error, but this is the text i get :

Connecting to ( -> IP: PORT: 21
Connected to ( -> Time = 0ms
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 ProFTPD 1.2.0pre10 (mod_mysql, mod_sqlpw) Server (Portland (v)) [localhost.localdomain]
USER geckomed
331 Password required for geckomed.
PASS (hidden)
Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

This can happen up to 11 times before the connection closes...
Any help would be great...