desperately needs help

ok, so heres the situation. i CAN upload files. i have checked my host account and it has verified that i DO in fact have files uploaded. the problem is that when i go to acces my ftp theres nothing there. i can only assume it is because i dont have an index. could someone please tell me how to make an index? im EXTREMELY new to this and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there es p. onaj,

My guess is that you might have uploaded your files to the incorrect folder on the server... have you got a public_html folder? or a usr/www/ folder? Have a poke around in the folders on your server and see if you can find your stuff

Making an index page isn't hard. Just open notepad and type in something like-
<html><head><title>whatever you want to call it</title>
</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br><br><h3 align=center><font face=verdana color="#000000">Coming soon!</font</h3><br><br><br><br></body></html>

Then save it as "index.html" in the folder where your web pages are on your computer and then upload it to your server. I usually have a temp index page until I'm happy with the 'real' one and the rest of the site - then I drop in the 'real' index page and overwrite the temp one. Hope that makes sense..

thank you for your reply. in regards to the files being in the wrong folder, the only folder thats there is called "parent folder" and all the files i uploaded are listed below it in the folder view window. as for the tree view it says my host name and underneath that my username. i have watched the tutorials in the help section for smartftp snd they show folders such as "htdocs" and "logs" but all i have is one with my username as the title. im beginning to get very frustrated and am about to just give up, please be my great teacher . haha

Hiya! It all depends on how the hosts set up the server... I have different hosts and so have different folder set ups - on all of them! ... but - the files you've uploaded must be in the wrong folder. Try doing a test page and uploading it to the folder that has your username for its name and see if you can 'see' it then. Don't forget to hit F5 on your keyboard to refresh the page

It looks like you're uploading a web site, but when you enter the site address in your browser you get nothing - correct?

Enter the website address into your browser and hit the refresh button - this will cause it to go and get the latest index.htm from your site. If that doesn't work then there are a number of possibilities, but not having an index page would certainly be unhelpful. When you're using SmartFTP, can you see a file called index.htm or index.html on your ISP server? If you can then note down its name and rename it to old_index.htm or old_index.html. Then rename whichever is your home page to index.htm (or index.html - whichever it was). Again enter the web site address in your browser and hit the refresh/reload.

Let me know how you get on.
