Upload results in 0 bytes??

Hi everyone,
I've been having a problem with sFTP today after I updated to the latest version. Basically, sFTP isn't uploading files correctly to my webspace anymore . Every file I try to upload results in having a filesize of 0 bytes (though I have to refresh to see it, because the auto-refresh after upload shows the correct size). The file DOES exist on the server though... it just doesn't have any content. So, for example, viewing an image gives me a "file cannot be displayed because it is corrupt or missing" error in mozilla, rather than taking me to my ISP's "file cannot be found" page. So the file exists, but only as a name.
Like I said, this all just started happening right after I auto-updated. So what broke and how do I fix it?


that's my problem,too...

What version of SmartFTP are you ussing? what's the server of the webspace? can you post a log of the connection (from the start up to upload a file) there is any mode of getting an account for testing?

Using the latest version (1.0.981).

Server is... dunno. UNIX for sure, but I don't know any more than that.

   Resolving host name ftp.shaw.ca...

    Connecting to (ftp.shaw.ca) ->  IP: PORT: 21

    Connected to (ftp.shaw.ca) -> Time = 31ms

    Socket connected waiting for login sequence.

220 Shaw FTP Server Ready

    USER xxx

331 Password required for xxx.

    PASS (hidden)

230 User xxx logged in.


215 UNIX Type: L8


500 FEAT not understood.


257 "/" is current directory.

    TYPE A

200 Type set to A.


227 Entering Passive Mode (64,59,128,134,67,217)

    Opening data connection IP: 64,59,128,134,67,217 PORT: 17369.

    LIST -aL

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list

    5294 bytes received successfully. (5.17 KB/s) (00:00:01).

226-Transfer complete.

226 Quotas on: using 5.26 of 10.00 mb


227 Entering Passive Mode (64,59,128,134,67,218)

    Opening data connection IP: 64,59,128,134,67,218 PORT: 17370.

    STOR Cleanup.txt

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for Cleanup.txt

    182 bytes sent successfully. (182 B/s) (00:00:01).

226 Transfer complete.


227 Entering Passive Mode (64,59,128,134,67,219)

    Opening data connection IP: 64,59,128,134,67,219 PORT: 17371.

    LIST -aL

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list

    5362 bytes received successfully. (5.24 KB/s) (00:00:01).

226-Transfer complete.

226 Quotas on: using 5.26 of 10.00 mb

And then Cleanup.txt shows as a size of 0 bytes, and when you open it online its a completely blank text file.

Can you try to upload a binary file? have you tryed to delete a file from the site and upload a new file?

Tried both, but it didn't work

Hrrm. Maybe its a problem on Shaw's end?
I know today my webspace went down (and, actually, is still down). I could access the FTP but nothing was available publicly. Maybe they're fixing the/a problem? I should phone 'em up tomorrow and see if they know what the heck is going on.

Upload results in 0 bytes. Only happens when FTPing to one server I use. I FTP to/from two other servers on a regular bassis where this prob does not occur. :?