Chmod fail with spaces in file name


I just noticed a chmod fails when a space exist in the file name. After renaming the file or directory, all goes fine. I use ncftpd as a ftp server and it doesn't support instruction like 'CHMOD 755 Pentium III 1000 Mhz ES'. The correct syntax should be 'CHMOD 755 "Pentium III 1000 Mhz ES"' or 'CHMOD 755 Pentium III 1000 Mhz ES'.

Here is a snip of the log :

257 "/www/pictures/Intel/Pentium III Family" is cwd.

    Cached directory reloaded.

    SITE CHMOD 755 Pentium III 1000 Mhz ES

550 No such file or directory.

    RNFR Pentium III 1000 Mhz ES

350 You may attempt to rename /www/pictures/Intel/Pentium III Family/Pentium III 1000 Mhz ES.

    RNTO Pentium_III_1000_Mhz_ES

250 Renamed.

    SITE CHMOD 755 Pentium_III_1000_Mhz_ES

250 Changed.

Tested with other FTP client, no problems, only SmartFTP seems to not handle it properly.

The problem is with the server and your last statement is false.

I will not bore you anymore, there is tons of FTP clients, but it works with LeapFTP 2.7.4...

PORT 192,168,0,1,11,217

200 PORT command successful.


150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.

226 Listing completed.

Transfer done: 2 009 bytes in 0,109 secs (18,43 k/sec)

SITE CHMOD 777 te te te te 

250 Changed.


200 Type okay.

PORT 192,168,0,1,11,218

200 PORT command successful.


150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.

226 Listing completed.

Transfer done: 2 009 bytes in 0,094 secs (21,37 k/sec)


200 No-op okay.


Of course it also works with SmartFTP. And with false statements without any proofing facts don't expect to get any support here at all.