Cant see LOCAL files

Hi there

Up till a day or so ago, - Everything was fine


I logged-into my FTP account

I saw :- My Local Directories, and the local files (hard-drive) within my current directory..

I saw the directory in my FTP account / website, & saw all the files in te current directory..


I dont know what I did but no matter what i do now,I CANNOT view the files in my LOCAL directory (hard-drive)...

I can view the directories, & files on my website - perfectly fine..

I can change / see my local directory - However I cannot view the files in my local directory (the indicator / graphic shows a directory is "open"/ "active" etc.. However I cant see any files (not even a blank section of the screen where the files should be)..

If I go into Windows Explorer, I can see there ARE files there...

How can I upload files - If I cant see any files to click on ?