uploading local files?

how do you display your local folders on the left side, and your server on the right? i can't seem to get both on there so i can upload files...

top & bottom instead of left & rite work better 4me personally but u can fiddle. hit the local folder button at the top (1 w/ magnafieing glass over a folder) then go2 Window->Auto Arrange-> "check" Tile Vertically & Auto Arrange

then just drag & drop

i'm not sure that's what i'm looking for...am i able to simply see a list on the left hand side of what's in my local harddrive, and a list on the right side of what's in my server space? there's are two many panes as it is now, and i'm not even sure if i am transferring between the two windows...

yeah it is what yer lookin 4 :wink: sftp windows r set up just like a 'folder' view in windows explorer, so youll have a folder tree on the left & files(when avalible) on the rite. u could change the payne size of the windows by hoverin the mouse over the divider clicking & movein. so, its possible 2 get rid of the folder tree entirely, but then the only way 2go back is 2 dbl clk on the 'Parent Folder' at the top. imo makein it pretty hard 2move round.

ok, thanks! i might try to get rid of the folder pane and see how that goes, because that's what i'm used to anyway....