Version 980 doesn't keep document date/time stamp

Sorry if this is a basic thing, but I am a new user to FTP clients.

I find that when I upload files to an FTP site that the file date/time stamp reflects the date and time of the copy operation, and not that of the last time I saved the file.

I've checked with our network guys and they say it is a setting in the FTP client. If that is correct, can you point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,

Most FTP servers dont allow to set the file date/time of the remote file.



The server we use is Serv-U, which does support the MDTM command.

Alternatively, how would I go about creating a custom command in SmartFTP to handle this?

Thanks in advance,

The MDTM serv-u/ftp voyager uses is an extension to the MDTM command. The MDTM command in the RFC (Draft) is only good to retrieve the filetime. Therefor rhinsoft is using a proprietry MDTM command only their software is supporting.

The FTP protocol is not a good implementation for synchronization. Use a modern protocol instead. e.g. SFTP

With all due respect, I found 2 other programs that can post to Serv-U correctly.

I am not a programmer, I am a user. I don't care if what RhinoSoft does is proprietary or not - it works. And because it works, it maintains the integrity of the timestamp for critical documents anfd files.

I would prefer to use Smart-FTP because I am familiar with it, but I have no undying allegiance. If you have no plan to support the MDTM command - in any flavor - I have no alternative but to ask my company to switch to another FTP client.

Is there any way to implement the MDTM command in Smart FTP?


How can I keep also the filemtime when downloading?
Under the Settings menue Transfer - File I checked the 3 boxes, but it doesn't work :evil: