Server timeout


I've run into a problem where I cannot upload files, but I can happily browse, download, delete, remote files on my account (earthlink). No, it's not a quota issue

**** NOTE ****
This machine is behind a LinkSys Router, though I've tried forwarding port 20/21 for active connections, and I've tried enabling the DMZ ... no differences noted.

Each upload attempt results in a "server timeout". Here's a sample from the Global Queue log:

Resolving host name
Connecting to (
Connected to ( -> IP: PORT: 21.
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 FTP-WWW server ready
USER fubar
331 Password required for fubar.
PASS (hidden)
230- Your disk quota is: 10.00 megabytes
230- Your disk usage is: 2.63 megabytes (26.26% of quota)
230 User fubar logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
500 FEAT not understood.
REST 100
350 Restarting at 100. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
257 "/webdocs" is current directory.
CWD /webdocs/images
250 CWD command successful.
257 "/webdocs/images" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
PORT 192,168,1,100,12,73
200 PORT command successful.
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 3145.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.
709 bytes received successfully. (709 B/s) (00:00:01).
226 Transfer complete.
200 Type set to I.
PORT 192,168,1,100,12,74
200 PORT command successful.
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 3146.
STOR Caml.doc
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Caml.doc.
Connection closed. Server timeout.
Connection closed. Server timeout.

The result is the same regardless of active/passive settings, or transfer-mode settings. Can anyone help me out please?


This is a recurring theme with some firewall configurations. Are you able to make a temporary connection (perhaps via a modem?) to sort out whether this is the likely culprit?


This is a recurring theme with some firewall configurations.  Are you able to make a temporary connection (perhaps via a modem?) to sort out whether this is the likely culprit?

I'm afraid not (at this time), but it certainly used to work over a modem so I believe the firewall is the culprit. I guess I'm really looking for pointers as to why the firewall is hosing a STOR (even with the DMZ enabled) whilst allowing most other commands to succeed ...

Thanks for the reply dbarro.

Try to open a port range on the router and check at settings connection the local port range to that range.

Try to open a port range on the router and check at settings connection the local port range to that range.

Just tried that, with the same results. Thanks for the suggestion though. Also tried with "Settings->Connection->Force Server IP for PASV mode" but that had no positive effect either ...

Try to update the firmware of your router to the last version, another user reportered issues with a LinkSys router, but of another style.

Try to update the firmware of your router to the last version, another user reportered issues with a LinkSys router, but of another style.
I've been a bit leery of doing that, but you provoked me into doing so ... the good news is that Linksys actually make the process quite painless, but the better news is that I can now happily upload files without issue

Cheers Aokromes, and thanks to all others who responded!