Made an "Upgrade" as the software nagg screen suggested - now all I get is "Unknown Error" messaeg whenever I try to use SmartFTP!?!?!? It worked perfectly before I made the "upgrade"! Any suggestions?


That's weird.

Please post the version information of SmartFTP. Menu: Help->About

What version did you use before you have updated?

Currently have V 1.0.980 Since it overwrote the old one - I am not sure what I had - but I downloaded it and immediately installed it - about 247 days ago. Does that help at all?


Pleaseeeeeeee ....

Please post the version information of SmartFTP. Menu: Help->About


Currently have V 1.0.980

Since it overwrote the old one - I am not sure what I had - but I downloaded it and immediately installed it - about 247 days ago. Does that help at all?

Try getting the last development build. If it crashes use regedit and delete SmartFTP keys and run again.

How's this? I also tried REMOVING SmartFTP (using the REMOVE program) and cleaning the registry - then reinstall - BUT apparently am missing something since it seems to know my old settings when I reinstall. Obviously something is remaining - even with the regcleaner.

Sorry out there - I love the program and miss it!
+- System -----------------------------

Microsoft Windows 98 SE

Total Memory : 261632 KB
Free Memory : 196 KB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------

Version : 1.0.980.1
Time Stamp : 2003-12-13 01:25:08

+- Application DLL --------------------

controls.dll : 1.6.980.1
ftpapi.dll : 2.0.980.1
language.dll : 1.0.980.1
reseng.dll : 1.3.980.1
+- System DLL -------------------------

unicows.dll : 1.0.4018.0
shell32.dll : 4.72.3812.600
shlwapi.dll : 6.00.2800.1400
comctl32.dll : 5.81
riched20.dll :
schannel.dll : 5.00.1878.13

+- Internet Explorer ------------------

Version : 6.0.2800.1106

+- Winsock ----------------------------

Winsock : 2.2

You can try to use the SmartFTP Backup Tool that cleans all the settings from SmartFTP. BTW try getting the last development build from my signature.

Used SmartFTP Bakcup Tools to clear settings. Downloaded newest build from previous reply. UNISTALLED ALL SmartFTP files and cleaned registry. Ran new INSTALL. Reset FTP settings for the site (was told only web address, username and password - all else "should be normal"). The result was:

Resolving host name cep.cl.k12.md.us...
Unknown error.
Connection closed.

FRUSTRATION!! :cry: And it worked perfectly - before I "upgraded"!!??


Install the developer build.

Did that - same results. SO I tried an experiment. I used my LapTop (WIN-XP) and everything WORKED FINE! Apparently my WIN-98se system has some type of setting wrong! It works fine thru the cable modem and Linksys Wireless-B Broadband Router (Outlook Express and Explorer work fine as does Norton UPDATE) - but occasionally seems to choke when it is supposed to connect to the net in other ways (ie.-SmartFTP).
Thanks for the patience! Anyone have a clue what I should check - I have run out of ideas!

Check your Linksys router for the latest firmware.