SmartFtp in a website


How can I integrate SmartFtp in my website, so that users can download from my site?

I already have an Ftp connection from my provider.


smartftp is an ftp-client. you don't use smartftp to allow users to download from your website. downloads from a website normally use the "http" protokoll, not "ftp". and even if you put an ftp-link on your webpage, you don't need to "integrate" smartftp into your webpage, but your users may want to use smartftp to download from that ftp-link on your website. but any good http-browser will also allow you to download from ftp-links, so there is no need for your users to use smartftp.

additionally, you can use smartftp to upload your html-pages via the ftp-connection given by your provider. that's it.