Lost download speed

In just the last two or three days I have completely lost down load speed. I was previousl able to download at around 115 kpbs, now I am down to 5 or 6 kpbs and less at times. I have checked all my internet connections etc. and my internet speed is great, just my ftp. Can you help please :cry: ? :cry:

One site or more? If it's just one site it could be the server admin throttling back for some reason. Also, make sure your speed limits are set to 0 in preferences.


This is just occurring on FTP, nowhere else. The speed limits are set to zero and my line speeds are download:8, upload 32. I tried to change these to zero but it didn't appear to make a difference. As far as the admin throttling, I have no idea what that means. Help? :roll:

Leave line speeds at 0.

Throttling is probably not a universal term but an FTP admin can (on some servers) limit your speeds so that bandwidth is preserved or shared more equally.