server time out and 8 kb only uploaded

Can anyone help ?

Ive all of a suden started having probs uploading to my domain, and infact another domain i have with a different company.

It seems to only allow 8kbs then times out, no matter how small or large the file is.

Ive tried Pasv and active modes same thing, it allows me onto my server, but only uploads partial files, please please help

I get this message

150 Accepted data connection
Connection closed. Server timeout.
Connection closed. Server timeout.
426-47 files used (0%) - authorized: 200000 files
426-3149 Kbytes used (1%) - authorized: 204800 Kb
426-ABRT is the only legal command while uploading
426-Transfer aborted
426 archery.jpg partially uploaded
200 TYPE is now ASCII
200 dc.w $4E71