Session timeout...

first off Id like to say, nice proggy.

ok now that is out of the way... I consider myself quite stupid with ftp etc...
I have read/watched the tutorials, and read some of the posts dealing with the session timeout issue. I read that you can set up a command in the command line for it to automatically resume the dl/upload. Can anyone plz tell me how to do this? Also, there is something about the "world queue" and tis automatically does this? Or am I just too helplessly lost that there is no point, lol.

It is extremely annoying, having to resume a download every 5 min...

Thx ahead,


bozoman777 -

I think that I posted the one right before yours on the message board. I think that we are having the same issue. If you get any info on this from outside of this forum, please post it here so that I can see it. Good luck figuring this out.

about the session timout....

I was having the same problem and I read up a bit and it seems using the global queue can fix this. There is a really nice tutorial "video" on the smartftp site check it out: (click on view next to the Upload - Global Queue)

Hope this helps.