regarding the username and Password showing when copying Url

i was wondering how you change your url to display a website address like instead of ftp://username:password@ip/file/filename.filetype

i mainly want to know how to change this because of my username, password, and ip to my server are shown.

thanx for any help

Using SmartFTP to upload files, enter the address in the address field, username in the Login field and Password in the Password field. The password should show as a series of asterisks ****.

If your users can see your password when they browse your website it's because you've named files to show your password. They shouldn't need your password to browse the site.


Hi s20,
I think we have the same question and never answer to us ;o) Find my post; Can I hide my Login info?: ... eb0a14ac2b

We've the same purpose of letting other persons see our web page and we wants our Users name & password be secret or not visible in the URL when we give out to friends and others. Almost everybody are not asking this question - - - could most of them knows this answer or could they never reach this stages of sharing web pages or maybe they don't want to share?

have you try asking for help from your own Server Tech Support? Do you agree if we join our search and help one another? You know - - - 2 heads is better than one :wink:


Perhaps I should have put it another way.

The easiest way to fileshare without having your password showing is to put the files up on the internet on a website. Users can then use their web browser and click on files to view them. If you want to secure them in some way then there are many, many things you can do - all of which are outside the scope of this forum.

If you want users to use FTP to get at your files then the easiest way is to have your FTP administrator set up a group for all the users you want to have access to the files. Set the group on each file you want to be published to be that group (use CHGRP). Give each user a login ID and a password for the FTP server and assign them to the group. When they log in using their own userID and password (not yours) they will be able to get at the files (assuming that you CHMODed the files to at least 640).


Hi DBarro,
Thank you for quick response. It is easy said . . . like magic but could you actually show me how? Especially you said: "The easiest way to fileshare without having your password showing is to put the files up on the Internet on a website. Users can then use their web browser and click on files to view them." That's exactly we all wants.

I already upload 2 Folders which contained .htm, gif, .jpg & .mid files. All can just click my .htm file if they can find my website or that particular page and it will shows a nice presentation on their browser.

To find my pages I can create a URL by using SmartFTP and it gives me unique URL every times I select a different .htm file. That unique URL contained my username & password, IP, folders & files. I did tried taking out my password only but an error message says:
Now try & click this one with password: ... mpathy.htm

Please teach me how it be done without my login info. I'll change my password after this Sunday.

Thank You In Advance,

Check the latest SmartFTP build:

There's a new feature which allows you to set FTP -> HTTP mappings for each favorite item.


Thank you Mat,
I already installed the latest version. I did tried several times and this error message always pop-up: "Before you can use this feature, add the FTP site to the Favorites and configure the "General ->URL" Setting of the Favorite item."

I already created my Apex folder, the website and all others info in my Favorite menu. I can not understand the last part "Configure ->URL Setting of the Favorite item" can you please guide me do it all over again to make it right?

Thank you very much Mat --- you're The Most Valuable Person Online!


OK - The simplest next step is to create a page called index.htm. That page is the home page for your site. Within that page, write hyperlinks to the files you wish people to see. If they're .htm files then your users browser will simply display them. If it's most other things, the browser will invite the user to save.

NB This depends on the files having correct access rights (generally chmod 640, but you may need 644). In my experience, you rarely need to chmod with most general purpose ISPs.

NB2 If you wish to password protect your files then you'll need to consider java, asp or php. The latter is probably easiest, but your ISP must support it, and the details are outside the remit for this forum.


You can password protect your files with .htacess (at least this works on apache) on the HTTP server side.

Hi Mat, Dbarro, et al,
I'm sorry but can we all concentrate on the latest version of SmartFTP? I think it has a feature to create HTTP and that's we're looking since in the beginning.

Thanks Mat for informing us and I already have the latest version but I have difficulty to use: Commands > Copy URL > HTTP. These error message always pop-up: "Before you can use this feature, add the FTP site to the Favorites and configure the "General ->URL" Setting of the Favorite item."
1. I already added 2 URL in my Favorites: and which one is correct?

2. Then how can I configure the General ->URL setting of the Favarites item?

3. Will this HTTP URL hide our Login info? If it does then most people will buy and you can count me too. Please hurry and proof to us.

4. Hi Dbarro, please Check the latest SmartFTP build: and hope you can help us find the solution. Please concentrate on my question only.


In the setting (General -> URL) of your favorite item.

Set this "HTTP URL"

For the "FTP Web Path" it may something like:

Try this setting. Usually we provide enhanced support after the customer licensed the software and not vice versa. But as you seem to become one of our best customers we gonna make an exception, only for you.

Thank You Mat!
I believed you and you can really read between the lines. Here's my promise to you --- as soon as I can hide my password or all my friends will just click a URL links without my password I will immediately purchase SmartFTP because I've only 9 more days to make this test and I want your software be in my PC and would continue using it most of the time.

Honestly I'm just an average PC user and zero knowledge of any Programming languages software but I could learn if you teach me how. I also teaches someone here: ... 16ef208f35 I will do it again if you don't mind and only this way I find they'll understand your software.

Now, can you tell me again in an easy to follow steps as a-b-c or 1-2-3 steps or using this > symbol that will represent "then go to & click" I'll give an example. Click Tools > Settings > General > I'm stacked here in Setting --- no way to type-in URL. I also tried in Favorites > Add To Favorites > type-in in the Enter Name: This error message always appear: Before you can use this feature, add the FTP site to the Favorites and configure the "General --> URL" Setting of the Favorites item. I'm stacked in --- configure the "General --> URL" Setting of the Favorites item. I can not interpret the last part of that message.

I found all others feature are very easy to uses and as they always called "Users Friendly" software. I'm 100% sure most people are also looking to this outcome.

Sincerely & Regards,

I hope this goes to help you:


Hi Aokromes,
Thank you for helping me to understand but unfortunately I can NOT find URL in General windows. I have only: Click Tools > Settings > General > Quick Folders > Selection Groups > Navigation.

My version is 1.0.281 and I've reinstalled twice already. Can you please show me again how you went to URL by starting from the beginning. TIA


1. Menu: Favorites -> Edit Favorites

2. Right-click a favorite item in the list view (right pane) of the Edit Favorites window.

3. Select "Properties" fromt he right-click context menu.

4. You will see the Favorite Item Settings dialog.


Congratulation Guys - - - I Make It!
Phew! What an easy program if only you show me in the beginning of my two threads or posts - - - I could have purchased it already . . . BUT don't worry and be happy ... because you got me now as a customer!

Thank you Mat for your last minute 1-2-3- instructions . . . you're most valuable asset in your Company and I wish you more success in your endeavors and more power to your company.

I can now put aside my old problem of hiding my User name & Password. Here's some more questions I would to ask for our mutual interest:

1. Will it be possible to hide my Login info if I'm still using the old version of 1.0.980?

2. Why I can not change my password in SmartFTP program? I've tried to used my new password but the program will always says: "Log-in failed" and whenever I bring back the program --- it always remembered my old password. Please tell me how to input my new password and I want it to stayed in the program forever. :oops:

3. Could this be a bug? You can trace and duplicate my steps: After selecting a .htm file in my website folder > Commands > Copy URL > HTTP, then I highlight my browser Address pane and Ctrl + V > Enter. It will not find the correct page because there is an extra (blank space) and a (/) symbol. I even input my HTTP URL without a / at the end, see my sample: and also for the "FTP Web Path":web (only the word web and without / & no prefix space). But after I deleted the extra "space" and a "/" - - - I can view instantly my presentation in browser. You know, I hate to tell friends who received my HTTP URL and immediately request them to delete something which they don't understand. Could you edit something there to make it a perfect program?

Regards & Sincerely,

Hi ..

>1. Will it be possible to hide my Login info if I'm still using the old version of 1.0.980?
No the feature is availabe since build number 1.0.981. Why do you want to use an older build anyway?

>2. Why I can not change my password in SmartFTP program?
You can of course. Add the site to the favorites:
Menu: Favorites -> Add Favorties. Then go to the "Edit Favorites" window
and select the favorite, right-click and click on "Properties" in the context menu.
You can also delete the entries from the "History". Go to Menu: Tools->Settings. In this dialog go to the "History" item. There you can delete your old history items.

Please post the exact values you have in the Settings: General->URL
and the output values.

Correct Output:
From the Favorite Settings:
Web Folder Path:

FTP Path of the file you execute the "Copy URL -> HTTP" function.
Copy URL -> HTTP output:

Incorrect Output:
From the Favorite Settings:
Web Folder Path:

FTP Path of the file you execute the "Copy URL -> HTTP" function:
Copy URL -> HTTP output:


Hi Mat,
Oh boy! I did tried for many days now to make it work again but found not possible just after I changed for my new password.

Please help me find the right combination in the "Error Message" to open my valid web page. It always says: File Not Found - The requested URL was not found on this Server. I knew it is much better than "The page cannot be open" error. I also knew I'm almost got it correctly with only minor error.

Good news! I already found the solution for the two "error message" (1) always came out for each and every different file I selected for a new HTTP URL and (2) "Error Message" always come out during each uses of SmartFTP program: "Before you can use this feature, add the FTP site to the Favorites and configure the "General --> URL" Setting of the Favorites item." My solution is to Connect through Favorites menu > Edit Favorites > double-click the Name of one correctly configured General ->URL and the good program will automatically Connect and problem 1 & 2 will never be a problem anymore except my problem noted above.

Regarding my question #1 & 2 --- it is resolved now and I agreed with you. I'm sorry for question #3, I could not post it or give you my correct entries in "Error Message" because the program could not give me a good HTTP URL. Please continue your good advices so people will liked your program and I will be here speaking for you.

Please give me example of correct General > Host > Path and also URL HTTP URL > FTP Web Root Path. I have these in my website: > images > web. In my images folder are .jpg, .htm & .mid and in web folder are Parent folder and index.html.


P.S. // Edited post --- which is much better than a new post --- so everybody will be happy.
P.P.S. //Please talk to me. I always look forward for your kind help.

Hi Mat, et al,
I finally Make It after 10 days of trying! Because I believed in these good saying: "Dare to dream, dare to try, dare to fail. By doing so, you will succeed" and that really kept me looking for the answer. Please talk to me this time because we need to rewrite the program so it will avoid putting an extra </web> folder in the HTTP URL output. My original desired of hiding Username & Password by transposing from ftp into http URL format has solved the problem. Thanks for all your helps.

I will prove to you that I am worthy of your trust and together we can make your SmartFTP program become a much smarter one. I liked your program and I'm using it daily.

>3 (I'm ready to post it and only this time)
Please post the exact values you have in the Settings: General->URL and the output values.

Correct Output:
From the Favorites Settings:
Settings > General > Host: (required in connecting --- read my P.S.)
Settings > General > Path: Leave it blank because I have many folders (it doesn't matter)
Settings > General > URL: (required to write my HTTP URL output)
Settings > General > FTP Web Root Path: Leave it blank because I have many folders and each click to transposes from ftp to http URL will choose a different folder names.

other requirements:
Download the latest build:
Login: rino
Password: 123456 (not real)
Port: 21

FTP Path of the file you execute the "Copy URL -> HTTP" function.
Correct Output: (extra < /web> were manually deleted). Here's another one: (comments & critiques are welcome for my improvement or satisfaction).
Incorrect Output: ... mpathy.htm (an extra < /web> were generated by program software. We need to rewrite the code. Sympathy greeting is NOT necessarily meant for anyone, it used as sample only and for my future needs.

Incorrect Output:
From the Favorites Settings:
HTTP URL: (no User Name)
Path: /images (I have an Images Folder placed outside of Web Folder)
Web Folder Path: /web or index.html

FTP Path of the file you execute the "Copy URL -> HTTP" function:
Copy URL -> HTTP output:
It mysteriously did worked one time before --- that's why I chose to placed it outside of Web Folder. I've to move my Images Folder to or under Web Folder at my server website. In other words; In order to works. Everything visible in http has to be in the folder called Web.

Regards & All The Best,

P.S.// That Connect function menu is only used for initial connection and configuration. After configured my good Login to the website (see my Correct Output) I used Favorites > click a Folder or Name (Host) or Folder > Name (Host) or Favorites > Edit Favorites > Folder > double-click Name (Host). The software program will make proper connection then don't worry from then and on. Just concentrate to your works and the good program will make Reconnection whenever needed. Yes, now you can used Connect or Reconnect manually or used Ctrl + B, Ctrl + R. Just try it again but first exit the program and then open it > Connect or Ctrl + B > Copy URL > HTTP > the Error Message will always pop-up. Try it one more time --- follow my way --- you'll loved it!

P.P.S.// Continue using your SmartFTP for the meantime and just remember to delete < /web> from your HTTP URL generated output before you send out to friends. I would like to hear from all Viewers --- please click the Send Private Massage (PM) button found below --- I also need your feedbacks. Ciao!

Hi Mat,
I knew you're very busy to answer all the post. I for one feel GREAT if I can talk with a Developer and discuss some important issue. I hope you could come out and just read my post or if you could say a word and I'm very happy to have owned your software. Even though if it has a little flaw but I admit it's a great program. :wink:

I will look forward for your new update if you're planning for one. Thank You for giving us a nice program.


The correct settings for your configuratino is as following:

Favorite Settings->General->URL:

Web Folder Path: /web

With this settings everything should work as exepcted. I cannot find a bug with the implementation in SmartFTP.

If you use "Copy URL -> HTTP" with a folder above of the /web folder it doesn't work of course. e.g. /balbalba