Remote "Date Modified" = Unknown ??

Whenever I connect to my server ... on the REMOTE side, it says "Unknown" for all files and server under the "DATE" column. Anyone know why?


Hello ..

Please send the raw directory listing (right mouse click on the folder in the tree then select "Show Raw Listing" from the context menu) to
bugreport attttttt

Thank you.

The MLSD output from your server doesn't contain any date/time information. You can disable MLSD in the Settings->Transfer dialog or in the settings of your favorite.

What FTP server type are you connected to? Can you post a log here?

Thank you.

Mat -

I really appreciate your help with all of this. Because of the nature of my site's identity, I wish not to distribute any logs (either on the message board or through e-mail). I wish not to go into detail for security purposes of my website.

Is there anything in specific I can copy/paste for you?

Again - I really appreciate your help ... even if I'm not fully giving back to you like I should be.

