Unknown Error. Connection closed.


As you can imagine... everything was just fine! Recently, I have tried to log on to some sites, and always get the above error. This happens even if I try to log on to public ftp sites such as adobe and the SmartFTP site.

I'm on a Win98 machine networked through an NT 4.0 box and a router. Proxy problem? Router problem?

Crud. Thanks for any help.

Any recent changes to your proxy or firewall?

Not that I was aware of. I searched the FAQs in regards to proxy just to check for any settings info, and I was unable to come across anything.

Any basics I should double check on Proxy Server?


It sounds as if you're getting through to the FTP server but that it's seeing something it doesn't like. This implies that your proxy and router are working reasonably well (though there have been some apparently intermittent problems with one (can't remember which) brand of router). Could you post the SmartFTP log.