Global Queue Query

Firstly, let me say a big thank you to the SmartFTP staff for making this the best FTP software I've used over my 6 yrs in internet production. I use it daily and cannot see a replacement in future... other than this little query, I've come across no problems that hamper my workflow in any way

This query might have been address previously, in which case apologies, I did a search and could not find the answer.

I'll try to explain as best I can: lately, I've started using the 'global queue' feature and find it pretty powerful, for example the option to 'shut down' after download.

Now onto my problem: I had set up the queue and it was doing it's thang... into the second file download, all going good. Then I logged into another server and I was dsconnected from the server with queue / download stopped. I didn't want that! I only wanted to access the 2nd FTP server to see a file directory structure.

Is there a way to do this, ie. not log out or cancel the queue when accessing a 2nd server?

Secondly, I've had real problems then logging back into the server. It has disallowed me for 2 days because it kept seeing me logged in (only one user per account allowed). Now this is partly the server's problem, as it should do a refresh I would have thought (?), BUT... surely SmartFTP could send a disconnect request / log me out before switching connections automatically?

Any help on this query appreciated!