is a wireless router an issue?

I switched to a wireless router and now I cannot connect with several servers. any solution?

1) If you go back to your previous router is full operation restored?

2) Is your router a firewall as well?

I have also changed router. My new router is a netgear, and I am using a netgear wireless access point. I do not have 100% use from smartFTP. Unfortunately I can't check if my old router works because it was cable, and I am now using ADSL, however most other ftp clients (including internet explorer are working a lot better - with very few fails). The worst problem is uploading to the server, in this case smart FTP only uploads 10k, and then stops. Eventually the server times out, but there is a 10k file on the server. This is the most irratating bug, as I can't use smartFTP to delete the file, and this error is unique to smartftp. I have tried loads of other free clients from the net and they work, but are rubbish. I want to use smartftp (I'm used to it now - I've been using it since '98!), but I will have to start looking for another client if I can't get this sorted.

Try to change the timeout settings, or try change port/pasv.

Post the log of your FTP session when you're trying to delete a file on the server.
It's very likely a server problem.

Just to be iratating, I can't now replicate the delete file error. However this is an upload file log:

Resolving host name ***********...
Connecting to (*********) -> IP: ********* PORT: 21
Connected to (**********) -> Time = 196ms
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 server147 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
USER **********
331 Password required for *********.
PASS (hidden)
230 User ********** logged in.
215 Windows_NT version 5.0
500 'FEAT': command not understood
REST 100
350 Restarting at 100.
350 Restarting at 0.
257 "/*********" is current directory.
CWD /********/************/images/hi-res
250 CWD command successful.
257 "/**********/**********/images/hi-res" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (*************,9,56).
Opening data connection IP: ************,9,56 PORT: 2360.
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
21240 bytes received successfully. (20.74 KB/s) (00:00:01).
226 Transfer complete.
200 Type set to I.
227 Entering Passive Mode (*************,9,61).
Opening data connection IP: ************3,9,61 PORT: 2365.
STOR 112-1226_IMG.jpg
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
Connection closed. Server timeout.
Connection closed. Server timeout.

The server always times out after exactly 10kb. Also I can use other ftp clients, so I would suggest that the server is fine.

(Vlad, you may find this interesting as you have a netgear router)
Sorted it. It was a combination of incorrect router and incorrect smartFTP settings. Let this be a lesson to all of you, DO NOT ASSUME THAT YOU HAVE SET THINGS UP CORRECTLY, JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE THE WORLDS BEST NETWORK ADMIN!!!

On the router, if you have a firewall, release some ports between the range 1000 and 5000 (I think). 5 ports should do it. I suggest you try something like 2400 - 2405.

In smartFTP, open the settings and click on connection. Set the mose to "Active Port (PORT)". Set the Port IP mode to "Local". Click on Limit Local Port Range and add in the upper and lower limit of the ports you have opened. Finally tick "Force server IP for PASV mode".

Now you should have no problems at all.

Sorry to waste anyones time that looked into this!

Damnit - I'm fed up with editing my previous post.

I can't get smart FTP to stick to the ports that I want, and when I do (in PORT mode) My server does not support PORT mode.

Does anyone know how to make smartFTP stick to the ports that you set in PASV mode?
