How to Copy Smart FTP Settings?

I am migrating to a new computer. I have installed SmartFTP on the new computer.

I would like to copy over all of my settings for SmartFTP (e.g. screen layout, default FTP site, etc).

Is there a file, registry key or other way to do this?


You can use the backup tool for that. Export on the old box and import on the new.

Thanks for the reply!!

Well, that probably would have been a great option, except that the drive with SmartFTP is now a slave and data only. So I can't run the program from that drive or if I do, it does not access the "old" registry on that drive and thinks its a new install.

Is there a way to do this manually?

You can, it's a not easy way but here you have the help for regedit using dos commands:

REGEDIT [/L:system] [/R:user] filename1
REGEDIT [/L:system] [/R:user] /C filename2
REGEDIT [/L:system] [/R:user] /E filename3 [regpath1]
REGEDIT [/L:system] [/R:user] /D regpath2

/L:system Specifies the location of the SYSTEM.DAT file.
/R:user Specifies the location of the USER.DAT file.
filename1 Specifies the file(s) to import into the registry.
/C filename2 Specifies the file to create the registry from.
/E filename3 Specifies the file to export the registry to.
/S Silent (don't ask user to confirm action).
regpath1 Specifies the starting registry key to export from.
(Defaults to exporting the entire registry).
/D regpath2 Specifies the registry key to delete.

The best mode is to use regedit /L:path of old system.dat on old hd /R:path of old user.dat on old hd /S
With that you go to have a full copy of the old registry on a BIG file, for sure you can't to use the key where SmartFTP values are because the lengh of the command and you need to have the huge .reg then you must find for the SmartFTP keys and make a new .reg file with that values.

That worked perfectly -- THANKS!!